Friday, September 27, 2013

Get to Know the Research Team

Research Team

The research team brings vast knowledge, scholarship and advocacy experience with Latina/o college students’ experience in the educational pipeline and the issues they face in higher education. Dr. Michelle M. Espino’s research interests are to establish more inclusive environments that support and enhance students’ educational attainment along the P-20 educational pipeline, particularly Latina/o educational pathways. Her use of qualitative methodologies and frameworks incorporate personal and community narratives. Dr.Colleen O’Neal’s research interests are regarding emotions and stress as risk and resilience processes among underserved, U.S. minority students. She uses quantitative methodologies to create prevention strategies of mental health problems and promote emotional health in various educational environments. To learn more about the researchers, please follow the links provided below.

Co-Principal Investigator

Dr. Colleen O’Neal
Co-Principal Investigator

Pamela Hernandez
Research Assistant

Research Study Overview


The purpose of this interdisciplinary pilot study is to examine the paths to academic success of undocumented Latino students awarded in-state tuition through the recent Maryland Dream Act (SB167). This study is multilevel, examining political change, policies, and individuals. We will focus on university policies, support services, and individual undocumented students’ (in contrast to U.S.-born, Latina/o students who are the first in their families to enroll in college) psychological and academic functioning in public higher education in Maryland. We will also conduct one-on-one interviews with key university/college administrators who are implementing policies or providing support services for undocumented Latino students.

The information gathered from this study will help colleges and universities across the state of Maryland provide better services and supports to their Latina/o students and implement policies more effectively in conjunction with the Maryland DREAM Act.

This study is being funded through the University of Maryland Vice President for Research and the College of Education Tier 1 Seed Grant and has been reviewed according to the University of Maryland, College Park IRB procedures for research involving human subjects.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Study Highlighted @UMD

Read about the motivations of our research team to conduct this study. An interview with the researchers is to follow soon!

UMD Highlights Newsletter